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How a Texas DWI lawyer can help you after an arrest

Drunk driving laws in Texas are among the toughest in the nation. If you are convicted of DWI, your whole life can be turned upside down. A conviction may affect your job, your reputation, child custody issues and your driving privileges. With so much at stake, you don’t want to risk going into court on your own. You will need the best DWI attorney in Texas to handle your case. It’s important to find the right lawyer for your DWI arrest promptly. A delay may affect your legal rights.

A qualified DWI lawyer in Houston can represent you and work hard to help you get the results you need to get on with your life. A drunk driving conviction can lead to a jail sentence, costly fees and penalties, increased insurance rates, and a loss of your driving privileges.

Even people who are arrested for their first DWI offense can face serious consequences. Whether it’s your first offense or you have been arrested in the past, you should not hesitate to contact the best attorney you can find. Some people make the mistake of settling for the lawyer who charges the lowest fee. They may regret that decision, as the attorney may not provide thorough and aggressive representation. A DWI case may involve a lengthy investigation as well as expert witnesses who can testify on behalf of the person charged with drunk driving. Be sure to find a lawyer who is not going to have you enter a guilty plea to your charge because that is your “best option.” You need to fight the charge and have an experienced lawyer who is willing to go the distance.

A drunk driving arrest can be a frightening experience. Your future is uncertain, as you face the possibility of expensive fines and even a jail sentence. One of the wisest decisions you can make is to contact a lawyer as soon as possible after a DWI arrest.

If you are arrested for DWI in Conroe, The Woodlands, Montgomery, Houston or elsewhere in Texas, contact Joseph LaBella & Associates. Criminal defense lawyer Joseph LaBella has a successful record of defending drivers charged with DWI. He has obtained dismissals and has tried more than 100 cases, with a 90 percent success rate.

You need an experienced, aggressive DWI lawyer on your side. Call 1-800-395-5951 today for your free consultation with an attorney who has protected clients’ rights for more than 20 years.